Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Clean-a-thon : front yard edition

So what did I do this afternoon ? ? ? 

Well, when I rolled back into town Sunday afternoon, there was a little surprise awaiting my arrival.  Toilet paper was strewn about our yard.  So today I cleaned the soggy, semi-paper-mache-esque toilet paper that draped the azalea bushes in our front yard. 

I guess this counts as my yearly throwback to middle school.

It wasn't even that much.  We have no idea who did it, because I know no one who would do it... because everyone I know is a responsible "adult."  I think it was meant for the neighbor boy two houses down who is in middle school.  We also think it was girls because they kind of did a terrible job, not that I'm complaining.  The worst part was that it rained the night they attacked so there weren't nice, fluid strips of toilet paper that I could grab.  Rather, there were clumps that had glued themselves to the foliage. Excellent. 

I found an entire roll lodged in the middle of one of the azalea bushes.  It was completely soaking wet.  Delicious.

All in all, I didn't really mind cleaning it up that much.  It was probably the most time I've spent outside in a while and the weather was nice. Plus, I had Justin Bieber stuck in my head.

That's all.


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