Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cake Balls: Superhero Edition

So sometimes when I'm bored ( or have a semester of a whole lot of nothing to do) I make cake balls.  They started out many months ago as merely desserty treats.  Over the course of our relationship ( being the relationship between cake balls and myself) it has grown into so much more.  Its become an art form, an excellent way to procrastinate productivity and a calorie packing challenge.  I love it. When people ask me what I do all day and I respond " I make cake balls" they always laugh.  I like that people expect more out of me on a daily basis than cake balls but I'm very serious when I say its my main past time.

So back in January my 7 year old best friend, Zach, became my 8 year old best friend. crazy, right?   So in honor of his accomplishment I made him cake balls for his superhero birthday party (along with our 4 year old best friend, Greg).

So after googling for ideas and some trial runs.. .here is the final product!

I can't find a better picture that I didn't take on my phone without the icky kitchen junk in the background...but you get the idea!