Monday, May 7, 2012

Alaska Adventure: Wrap this sucker up!

So I'm not really great to blollow through- similiar to follow through, but blog specific.  Who really even remembers where our tale left off?  Its lost information that we may never know (don't. scroll. down.)  

So for sanity's sake lets make this quick.

There were dogs.  Lots of dogs.
There were mushers.  Lost of mushers, but still more dogs.
The was snow.
There were mountains.
There were planes.
There were vets.
There were volunteers.
There was ice.  Thick ice.
There was fur, food and fun. 

And you should all go someday.

We got to see all the teams as they came into the checkpoint, talk to mushers and ever pet some of the dogs.

Its amazing. I love it. All of it.

Now the moment I just know you have all been waiting for... a 20 minute montage of our family vacation. 20 minutes might sound like a long time for all you people with "lives" and "responsibilities" but its pretty funny if i may say so.  And you have been waiting 6 weeks for this.